As your MP I would be committed to fighting climate change. I have a lifelong love of nature – hiking, camping and fishing. I have planted tens of thousands of trees in BC and am the Executive Producer of the Great Bear Rainforest IMAX film.
Climate change is real and Canada is responsible for 1.6% of global emissions. A country like China emits the same in only 21 days. Since greenhouse gases don’t recognize borders, we need to do our share and work towards a global solution. I will be a strong voice for a Balanced Approach.
Green technology, not taxes, is the best way to fight climate change. We can protect our environment by pursuing responsible resource development with world-class environmental regulations and using practical measures to reduce emissions.
Trudeau’s Carbon Tax is Unfair and is Not Working
- Families and small businesses pay 92% while big corporate polluters pay only 8%
- Canada will miss our international commitments to reduce emissions by 30% (Paris Targets)
- Carbon tax proceeds are not spent on measures to help our environment
Trudeau’s Carbon Tax would have to increase 5x for Canada to reach its Paris targets adding 23 cents to the per litre price of gasoline and cost the average Canadian family > $1,000/year.
The Green Party and NDP plans to reduce emissions by up to 60% by 2030 would devastate our economy and your household budget.
Environmental Policy
Conservative governments introduced the Canadian Environmental Protection Act, worked with the US to eliminate acid rain, and committed Canada to the Paris Targets.
Green technology, not taxes is the most effective way to lower Canada’s and the world’s emissions and meet the Paris Targets.
Canada can play a global leadership role in green technology to fight climate change.
Our Plan:
- Significantly Tighter Emission Standards for Major Polluters vs Trudeau Liberals
- Require Industry to Invest in Green Technologies that Reduce Emissions
- Develop and Export Green Technologies
- Homeowner Green Renovation Tax Credit (save up to $5,700)
- End Raw Sewage Dumps in Our Waterways
- New National Plastic Recycling System (only 12% of plastics sent for recycling are recycled!)
- Science-based flexible shipping routes to reduce the impacts on marine life
Visit to review our comprenhesive environment plan.